Thursday, August 26, 2010
Happy Birthday Grandma!!!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tax Free Weekend

Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Kroger Groceries

Monday, August 16, 2010
Busy Weekend!
Cetephil face wash & moisturizer (a daily necessity): $8.94 + $5.64 (-$5.00 coupon for 2 Cetaphil products) --> $9.58 (not an amazing deal, but I was in need for it, so I had to splurge)
Dawn: on clearance for $2.34 from $2.89 (-$1.00 coupon) --> $1.35
Schick Hydro 3 razor: 6.99 (-$5.00) --> $1.99
All detergent: $4.49 on sale from $4.89 (-$1.00) --> $3.49
Scotch tape: $0.50 on sale from I'm not sure what --> $0.50
Clorox toilet tabs: BAD- NOT ON SALE, but I needed & haven't found a coupon in months- $4.74
2 tie-dyed tank tops: $10.00 on clearance for $2.50 --> $5.00
Cut off shorts: $14.99 on clearance for $3.47 --> $3.47
Total Spending: Just under $70.00
Total: Savings: Just over $40.00
Total Spent: $31.80
Not the best deal that I've had, but it was a decent savings, and I got a lot of things that I needed.
Saturday, Mom & I went to the Houston Design Center for a big sample sale. I didn't find anything, but I learned a lot about rugs & I got a lot of decorating ideas. I bought a beautiful Kilim (made in turkey) to go by my bed. I've been looking for another one (to go on the other side of the bed) for a while. Unfortunately the rug stores didn't have any that I liked in the size that I needed.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Coley's Collars

Monday, August 9, 2010
Birthday Party

Thursday, August 5, 2010
Target Savings
My Target trip last night:
Betty Crocker brownie mix (impulse buy) --> $0.89
Scrubbing Bubbles shower cleaner ---------> $6.99 (-$6.99 coupon) - FREE
Bio True contact solution -------------------> $4.99 (-$2.00 coupon) - $2.99
Skinny Cow Ice Cream ---------------------> $1.22 (-$1.00 coupon) - $0.22
DiGiorno Pizza -----------------------------> $2.89... On sale 2/$4 (2 -$2.00 coupon) - FREE
(Pencil sharpener --------------------------> $0.20 on clearance)
(Crayola Crayons --------------------------> $0.25 on clearance)
Bottom two items not pictured because I donated them before I got home.
Total Spending: $4.83
(*$3.24 will be reimbursed by my flexible spending account that I have through work.*)
Not too shabby!!!!!