Saturday morning, I look Jeepers to the dog park to play with her friend, Bella. As we were driving home (after the play date), I was stopped at a light and saw a pedestrian get hit by a car. I immediately called 911 & waited for the ambulance to get there. It was by far one of the scariest things that I have ever seen. The girl who was hit, appeared to be ok, but she was taken to the hospital to get checked out! I hope she just had some bad cuts and bruises!!
I took Jeepers back to the park on Sunday morning. After the park, I did a MASSIVE cleaning at home. I moved all of the furniture to clean my floors (LOVE the Swiffer WetJet), and I cleaned my couches from Dexter & Jeepers' hair! We ended the weekend with a family dinner with some cousins. By the end of the night this is what Jeepers looked like:

Have a great week!
Totally looks like Sammy!! Do you find it takes your dog a bit to warm up to other dogs? It takes Sammy some time but not sure if that's bc she's a rescue or if it's the breed... just thought I'd ask! We love her! SO soft and cuddly!