I had a great weekend in NYC this weekend! I went up on Saturday, and I got home late last night. Saturday, late afternoon, I hit up Soho for some good shopping, then dinner at
Ristorante Scalini Fedeli in Tribeca. The food was good, but I think it was over priced for what it was. After dinner we met up with Brittany's friend Rachel & her boyfriend at a Cuban restaurant/bar in Chelsea:

Me, Brittany & Rachel

Kevin & Me
I walked 8-10 miles on Sunday (and as you can imagine, I'm still sore!). Up the river, through West Village (managed to pass on a cupcake from Magnolia's bakery), through the meat packing district (for brunch at
Pastis- AMAZING), to Fifth Avenue to meet up with Brittany for shopping. We shopped for 4 hours, hitting up all of the big department stores. While we were talking around, we saw the Smurf's movie being filmed:
After shopping, Kevin took me to Central Park (not for long though, as I was sore & exhausted & hungry). Then we headed over to a fantastic Indian food restaurant for dinner.
Central Park!
Unfortunately, I woke up at the crack of dawn on Monday, so the walking started at 7:45 a.m. ...Down the river, through Battery Park City, through the Financial District/Wall Street, to Chinatown, through Little Italy, and winding up in Soho at the big Dean & Deluca.
Battery Park

Me in Battery Park City... The Statue of Liberty is behind me, but for some reason it's not showing up in the pic.
We had a ridiculously early lunch at Sunshine 27 in Chinatown. It's a dim sun restaurant, and it was INCREDIBLE. The restaurant has lots of large tables, where they seat you based on space at the table. So there were 2 of us, and we were seated at a table that had 5 other people already there. The waiter gives you a ticket, and servers come around to your table with carts where you point and choose what you want to eat (and they stamp your ticket). It was the best meal that I had in NYC.

Kevin & Me at Sunshine 27

A food cart at Sunshine 27 (I can't get the photo to rotate- sorry!)
It was great to get home and see my babies (Jeepers & Dexter), but I can't wait to go back! I miss that city already!