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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Jeepers' "Puppy Cut"

Jeepers got a "puppy cut" yesterday before going to obedience school. She looks like a black bear from the back- hilarious!!!

Getting ready to leave the groomer

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Weekend Review

We had Friday off last weekend, which was AMAZING. I was able to get all wedding/shower gifts purchased, run errands, clean and go to the grocery store.

On Easter Sunday, I took Jeepers to an adorable Easter egg hunt at Sasha's Suds N Duds. It was PRECIOUS!
Although Jeepers didn't get anything, we had a blast, and she had her picture taken by Cara Dubcak. Cara is really talented- http://www.caradubcak.com/; she photographs weddings, events, and dogs. I'm going to hire her to do a session for Jeepers & Dexter.

Below is a photo of Jeepers on her new bed. I purchased her a bed a few weeks ago, but Dexter fell in love with it and will not share it with her.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Passover... Overdue Post

This year we had our family Passover at my parent's house. Mom did a wonderful job on the meal; I can definitely say that this was the best Passover food that I have ever eaten! The table was beautiful, Dad did an excellent job leading the seder and we had a really nice evening.